
[BUG] Spreadmodel is not updated correctly on UAT

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
I've updated & uploaded the spread model for wild boar but it seems to be unchanged (Jaar options %in% c(2023, 2024)) on UAT even after application restart and cookie removal.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ''
  2. Click on 'dashboard'
  3. Select a province or other region
  4. Activate 'Toekomstig verspreidingsgebied'
  5. Scroll down to 'FIGUUR: Toekomstig verspreidingsgebied'
  6. See error

Expected behavior
The 'Jaar' dropdown should allow 2024 & 2025 as options.


Additional context

Git SHA (after 0.3.1)

@SanderDevisscher How did you update & upload the data?
The most recent file contains indeed data for year 2023, 2024 and the file was last modified in 2023.

>     readS3(file = "spreadData_sf.RData")
Loading required package: sp
> names(spreadData)
[1] "pixels_2023"         "pixels_2024"         "municipalities_2023"
[4] "municipalities_2024"
> tmpTable <- aws.s3::get_bucket_df(
+       bucket = config::get("bucket", file = system.file("config.yml", package = "reportingGrofwild")))
> tmpTable[grepl('spread', tmpTable$Key), ]
                    Key             LastModified
249    spreadData.RData 2023-09-20T04:37:48.000Z
250 spreadData_sf.RData 2023-10-18T08:57:48.000Z
                                  ETag    Size
249 "98c91ca79f446a85f0e26462d212c53e" 6659874
250 "aa3061998bafa7f76ba49e45072aad75" 6665027
249 9708c73bf11e6dff17cd9156c7529130529451488100ed3b2321c0b67cab98da
250 9708c73bf11e6dff17cd9156c7529130529451488100ed3b2321c0b67cab98da
      Owner_DisplayName StorageClass            Bucket
249 vo-aws-226308051916     STANDARD inbo-wbe-uat-data
250 vo-aws-226308051916     STANDARD inbo-wbe-uat-data

@mvarewyck I use the following code:

# Get spatialData.Rdata from bucket
  readS3(file = "spatialData_sf.RData")
# Package files in temp directory & place them on the UAT Bucket
                   spatialData = spatialData)

This is the content of tempdir_spread:
