
Brand new osx install getting error

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, sorry if this is a dumb question, I have no prior experience with the go ecosystem.

Before trying to install shosubgo, I tried to install go with brew install go, then I reinstalled go using the official package, but still getting the same issue.

Here is what I see when I try to install:

macbook shosubgo % go install # no output, wherever I type this
macbook shosubgo % go install
main.go:9:2: package apishodan is not in GOROOT (/opt/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.19.5/libexec/src/apishodan)

The main issue is that the installation command doesn't do anything nor display any error. The second one is when I cloned the GitHub repo and tried to run go install there fwiw.



I tried to reproduce the steps, and it's work for me


Your go env is correct ?

@incogbyte thanks for helping!

How can I assess hat my go env is correct? I don't know anything about the go ecosystem.

@pandaiolo i would recommend to watch this video it is the simplest way to install go. after installing go then restart your linux machine. then try to use
go version
see if there is a response with version number. now
go install -v
then change your directory to cd go/bin
sudo cp shosubgo /usr/local/go/bin
now you can use shosubgo command under any folder in your linux machine
hope it resolves your issue

Thanks @GuyMosciski, @pandaiolo this video will work if you follow. i'll will clode the the issue.