Primary LanguagePython

CMS Detection and Security Assessment Script


This Python script allows you to detect the Content Management System (CMS) used by a target website, identify common patterns associated with CMSs, scrape the CMS version information from the website, and check for common security issues.


  • CMS Detection: The script identifies the CMS used by a target website by checking for common CMS-related patterns.

  • Pattern Detection: It also detects and prints common patterns associated with the identified CMS.

  • CMS Version Scraping: The script scrapes the CMS version information from the website's HTML.

  • Security Assessment: It checks for common security issues associated with CMSs, including weak password usage and exposed sensitive files.


Before using this script, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.x

  • Requests library

    pip install requests
  • BeautifulSoup4 library

    pip install beautifulsoup4


  1. Clone this repository or download the script (cms_detection_security.py) to your local machine.

  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing the script.

  3. Run the script using the following command:

    python cms.py
  4. Enter the target URL in the format https://example.com when prompted.

  5. The script will perform the following tasks:

  • Detect the CMS used by the website.
  • Identify common patterns associated with the CMS (if detected).
  • Scrape the CMS version information.
  • heck for common security issues.
  1. Review the script's output to see the detected CMS, patterns, CMS version, and security assessment results.


  • You can customize the script by adding more CMS patterns to the cms_patterns dictionary.

  • To perform additional security checks, modify the check_security_issues function as needed.

  • For scraping CMS version information, customize the scrape_cms_version function based on how the CMS version is indicated in the HTML of the websites you are assessing.