Xface desktop image rotator

Works for Python2.x and Python3.x

How to use

Create directory and copy images there. If you want to specify your own directory you can do that in config.py.

$ mkdir ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/
$ cp -r ~/Old/Directory/. ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/

Clone repository.

$ git clone https://github.com/red-panda-is-here/xface-background-image-rotator.git
$ cd xface-background-image-rotator/

Add execute permissions to the file which will be called from crontab.

$ chmod +x rotate_desktop_images.sh

Open crontab and add new row.

$ sudo vim /etc/crontab

30 * * * * username /path/to/project/xface-background-image-rotator/rotate_desktop_images.sh

Run crontab -l to check if crontab works.