
  • This is a simple node.js project to create a API which allow use to perform CRUD operations for managinng books.


  • CRUD operations
    • Add a new book with title, author, summary.
    • View a list of all books
    • View details of a specific book by its ID
    • Update a book's details
    • Delete a book.
  • Swagger documentation https://red-shiny-raven.cyclic.app/docs
    • Created swagger documentation for CRUD operations performed on the books.


  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Database
    • MongoDB
  • ODM ( Object Data Modeling library )
    • Mongoose
      • To manage relationships b/w data, provide schema validation and managing objects in MongoDB.

How to run this project locally?

  • Steps:
    • Open a new folder in your code editor (e.g VScode)
    • RUN: git clone https://github.com/Inder-Pal-github/NodeJS-Backend-Developer-Challenge.git
    • Install necessary dependencies:
    • RUN: npm install
    • To start this project:
      • RUN: npm run start
    • To start in development mode:
      • First install nodemon: npm i nodemon
      • RUN: npm run dev


Project deployed link:


Extra features:

Features which can be implemented:

    • Authentication
      • Using jsonwebtoken and bcrypt

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