
Claim missing with wlcg enabled client

Closed this issue · 3 comments

If I create a client with these scopes "openid profile offline_access email wlcg wlcg.groups", that enable the wlcg profile for that client, and generate a token with that client, claim like email, preferred_username are missing. These claims are required in openstack keystone mapping for our security policy.

Probably you have property iam.access_token.include_authn_info: true in your application.yml file that enable the additional claims you mentioned into your access token. This variable is not used within the WLCG JWT profile so a fix could be making the setting of that property relevant also in case of a WLCG JWT. But we need to understand if this is compatible with WLCG profile. I guess yes but If not, an alternative could be providing you a new JWT profile that extends the WLCG one and adds those additional claims. We need to discuss this internally. We'll let you know.

Many thanks for the explanation. I'll wait for your response.

Hi all,
adding existing standard claims should be fine.