
green square and no Vsync no matter what I do

DeDBoGDaN opened this issue · 3 comments

I have a green square all the time, everything is connected correctly and reliably, but no matter what I do, I always get a green square. But what I noticed is that on pin 3 of the Arduino Uno (Chinese replica) I have 2.5V instead of 5V, so maybe there is some power missing. If you download any other code, all digital pins work correctly and produce about 5 volts. So the problem is probably in the code. I don't know how to solve it.
P. S. If I remove and reinsert the VSYNC port connector or briefly apply 3.3V to pin D3 (before the 680 ohm resistor), I get a Vsync notification, but not the camera image. I also tried to connect this pin without a voltage divider, but the result is the same: a green square without vsync notification and a maximum voltage of 2.5V. Even if nothing is connected, and only this code is loaded, the pin has only 2.5V.


If you measure PIN 3 with a multimeter then 2.5V is normal. It is the clock signal for the camera which is a square wave altering quickly between 0 and 5V. Multimeter sees the average of the wave 2.5V. You should measure it with an oscilloscope if you want to see the actual signal.

PIN 3 with the voltage divider is XCLK not VSYNC. VSYNC should go to PIN 2.
So if you manually pull PIN 2 to 0V and then apply 3.3V or 5V on it (which creates a rising edge signal) then you should also see the VSYNC message.

The VSYNC signal should appear periodically once per camera frame if all the wires are connected correctly:
If you can't see the VSYNC message then there probalby is something wrong with the VSYNC connection.

Thank you very much for your answer!
Here's what I'm doing (everything is connected exactly right): I'm working in UART 5 and 16 modes (doesn't work with other colours and black and white), press Listen, wait until the green square is filled, wait another second, connect Vsync to a 3.3V source (doesn't work with 5V), get a Vsync notification, start downloading the frame, get about half a frame, when more when less, and then it's dark. The images are attached. The following frames are also dark.
and also when testing all UART mods, connecting Vsync to 3.3V or 5V stopped working. Most likely I burned it in some way

also now I having like 50% chance to get green or red square) OH while i was typing this it's starts working but REALLY SLOOOOW in UART mode 5 (black square)