
glob error: path cannot be absolute

Closed this issue · 1 comments

System: Windows 10
Version: 0.16.2

I am trying to generate a FileManifest using glob, and am receiving the following error. I have attempted both absolute and relative file paths—both result in the same error.

error[TUGGER_FILE_RESOURCE]: path cannot be absolute: C:/Users/user14/projects/scribe/./static/program_icon.ico
   --> .\pyoxidizer.bzl:276:17
276 |       resources = glob(
    |  _________________^
277 | |         ["static/*"]
278 | |     )
    | |_____^ glob()

error: path cannot be absolute: C:/Users/user14/projects/scribe/./static/program_icon.ico

Any ideas?

Adding strip_prefix=CWD argument to the glob call works as a work-around.