
Print to PDF only shows text

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I like this theme and want to use it but I am facing an issue.
I got the website to render properly online in the browser but when I try to print it I only get the text. Am I missing some config?
I made sure to enable the Background Graphics option. I used Hugo Extended to build it. There were no errors during the build and hugo server -D

Website Link: Example - CV
Repo Link: resume-pdf-test

This is what I get when I try to print
example cv print

What do I do to get the PrintToPDF working. This is a very useful theme for having an updated resume on the fly.


I've included a fix for this in PR #14. For a quick workaround, you can edit theme code by yourself.

In layouts/partials/head.html find media="screen" and change to media="screen,print"

Hi @benjaminjacobreji,

As mentioned by b0ch3nski, this should be fixed in his PR which I just merged in.
Let me know if it doesn't fix it!

Hi @ineesalmeida
Yes, PR #14 has fixed my issue. Thank You @b0ch3nski.
Have a great day and thank you both for the help xD.

I'm closing this issue since it has been resolved with that PR.