
filter parse error for nested parenthesis in distinguished name

TomerCohen95 opened this issue · 2 comments

While trying to search

let base = "dc.domain.test.local";
let scope = Scope::Subtree;
let filter = (|(distinguishedName=CN=User102 (Tomer), CN=Users,DC=domain1,DC=test,DC=local (distinguishedName=CN=User1020,CN=Users,DC=domain1,DC=test,DC=local))
let attrs =|s| s.to_string()).to_vec();, scope, filter, attrs).await?;

we are getting filter parse error which is caused by the (Tomer) in the first distinguished name.
when removing the parenthesis or switching to `\28Tomer\29' the request succeeds.

when using ldp.exe to send the request - the filter works just as it is in the example

ldap3 behaves correctly (that is, according to RFC 4515) here. The 'value' side of a filter must not contain ASCII NUL, parenthesis or an asterisk, those need to be backslash-escaped as you already noted.

As @dequbed said: parentheses in a filter literal must be hex-escaped. The ldap_escape() function does this.