
✨Feature Request: Support `ziggy` 2.0

xsjcTony opened this issue · 4 comments

This is what's happening after upgarded to ziggy 2.0 in both Laravel and frontend.
Probably caused by the namespace change

Hi @xsjcTony,
I see no issue here ziggy is a dependent composer package, check your code and find any ziggy declarations then correct the namespace manualy;

EX: in routes files if you're using routes as API, controllers if you're passing props to components instead of setting global @routes, stc...

I've searched through the whole project, seems all references to BladeRouteGenerator have the updated namespace. No idea why it is breaking, but if it's none of business here, yeah I'll close the issue.

I got the same error and I'm not sure if I did something wrong.

Just solved the issue by running php artisan optimize:clear (see this comment).
AFAIK I don't use Laravel cache. It's my machine, not production 🤔

Yeah it's cache issue. I'm using Laravel + Vite with HMR, and as long as edit something in the app.blade.php with @route directive, it worked.