Any plans to add completion confirmation options?
davidkane9 opened this issue · 1 comments
davidkane9 commented
I would like to create a course and then be "sure" that my students have completed it. Any plans to add this sort of functionality? One method would be, once a student has "finished" --- defined in some reasonable manner --- they get issued a hash which they provide to me.
ines commented
I thought about this initially but it's pretty difficult to do it in a satisfying way, because everything's on the client and all of that can easily be manipulated. So it ultimately comes down to how much you trust your students.
Assuming your students won't have access to the source repo of the course, here's an idea of how you could do it with pretty minimal effort:
- At the end of each
function you write for the individual exercises, print an exercise-specific hash / password / completion code etc. after callingsuccess()
. If the exercise is validated and no error is raised, the student will see it – if not, they won't. - Ask the students to keep track of those codes.
- At the end of it, ask them to put them all together and report the result. (Easiest way would be to return a number for each exercise and ask them for the sum – but depending on what you teach, you could even make a little exercise out of that step and let them compute something more complex 😃)