
'lastPosition' Declaration Issue in OS3 Project

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I have followed the installation guide and ensured that all dependencies, including those of inet, are resolved. Despite this, I am encountering this specific issue related to the 'lastPosition' variable in the SatSGP4Mobility class. After successfully installing OS3 and addressing the dependencies mentioned in the installation guide, I am facing the following compilation error:

'lastPosition' was not declared in this scope


File and Location:

  • File: SatSGP4Mobility.h
  • Path: /os3/src/os3/mobility
  • Line 36 and Line 39

Additional Information:

  • OMNeT++ Version: 4.2
  • INET Version: 20111118
  • cURL Version: 7.27
  • OS3 Version: current from github
  • Operating System: Window 10

Does anyone know how to instruct me how to fix it?

after investigating the inet framework commits´ I can understand that the variable name is 'pos' instead 'lastPosition'. I identified that some versions the inet framework this variable is 'lastPosition'
