
Status Endpoint Oddities

ichilton opened this issue · 1 comments


There are some oddities with the date/times in the /api/status endpoint.

"server_time": "2020-06-23T21:34:47+00:00",
"last_reboot": "2020-06-23T21:30:19+00:00",
"last_reconfig": "2020-06-23T21:30:19+00:00",

We run our servers in local time:

$ date
Tue 23 Jun 21:34:51 BST 2020

As you can see, it's reporting server_time as 21:34:47+00:00, when it should be 20:34:47+00:00 or 21:34:47+01:00.

Also, it's setting last_reconfig on a restart. IXPManager is showing the correct last update time as 2020-06-23 20:21:41 (BST).



I see the times come straight from bird's show status command, so not much could be done about the last_reconfig time.

It should either not prepend +00:00, or it should look at the actual timezone of the box, though.