
IntelliJ, Auto-Discover Processors from Maven

eischet opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello FreeBuilder team,

I've started using FreeBuilder and, more recently, the Google Auto Service Processor, in a Maven build.
At first, including the Auto Processor disabled FreeBuilder. I think it's because the Google plugin is explicitly added to the POM, disabling discovery of other processors.

Then, I came up with this:


This fixed my build. It also turns out that IntelliJ picks this up automatically and put it into the settings.
This way, I do not have to configure the settings manually in IntelliJ.
I'm using the latest version 2020.2.3.

I never configured the annotation processors manually, but there they are:


I can send a pull request for the readme if you think this is a valid approach, but I thought I'd better submit an issue first to discuss.


Hi Stefan,

If you would like to add this extra configuration as a subsection of, with an explanation of when it might be needed, that would be very much appreciated!
