The original React Native boilerplate from Infinite Red - Redux, React Navigation, & more
- 0
APIs are not called in background - ios
#317 opened by m-tbox - 0
generate list didnt show any option
#316 opened by frizki88 - 0
Errors while running `npx react-native run-ios`. Afte resolving errors, Andross rendering correctly on Android, but not on iOS
#315 opened by e-mcbride - 2
Error: `createStackNavigator()` has been moved to `react-navigation-stack`.
#311 opened by alvinisasi - 0
Add config option to remove Redux Navigation
#314 opened by nicksanchezc137 - 0
- 3
Redux Action or Screen not refreshing when using DrawerNavigator from React Navigation
#254 opened by abifdhllh - 0
currentlyFocusedField is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use currentlyFocusedInput
#312 opened by DeVoresyah - 0
- 9
console.tron.log is undefined
#302 opened by tayfunyasar - 27
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_reactNavigation.ThemeColors.light')
#304 opened by alireza-bakhshifar - 0
Problem with storyBook
#306 opened by Gameworl - 1
failed to add React Native 0.61.4
#305 opened by chalupagrande - 4
Command failed : gradlew.bat app:installDebug. when run react-native run-android
#300 opened by moumnimohamed - 1
Crash after upgrade to 0.61
#296 opened by yongloon - 8
Upgrade to react native 0.60
#285 opened by pa-bouly - 4
RN60+ issue for Andross project
#292 opened by antonabyzov - 8
- 0
Andross is not actual - problem with andoidx
#297 opened by grappesm - 3
- 1
Deep Linking not taking to the particular screen
#252 opened by Saad-Bashar - 9
AndroidManifest merger error on run
#295 opened by tayfunyasar - 2
- 6
Check the render method of 'NavigatorReduxWrapper'.
#291 opened by akcadev - 3
andross update to latest vesion ?
#289 opened by affanhashone - 4
Uncaught TypeError: api.on is not a function
#287 opened by waleedarshad - 1
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- 3
- 1
Error occurred when using with Apollo: Cannot read property 'data' of null
#283 opened by vfa-tienhnm-os - 4
Does anyone manage to compile the app for web ?
#278 opened by DevDaoud - 1
Any examples for passing variables to other containers through redux store?
#280 opened by joshuakoh7 - 9
not able to receive addListener willFocus
#277 opened by king804 - 0
App failed on the first install
#276 opened by kea0811 - 2
Unable to access NavigationEvents
#271 opened by lalithnarayan - 4
- 1
Create new app
#266 opened by JuanSeBestia - 1
Update path for RN-app built with ignite-andross
#265 opened by timkuilman - 1
Failed to load bundle Storybook
#259 opened by oktalk - 6
react-navigaton-drawer Issue
#258 opened by JuxhinB - 2
- 1
Remove Redux from React Navigation Integration
#250 opened by markwk - 20
Support for react-native 0.58
#244 opened by glaceglace - 7
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Redux persist issue
#262 opened by ZebelDattel - 0
handlers cannot have an undefined key
#261 opened by longpq18 - 0
React-Navigation and Conditional Rendering for Authentication? (IR-Boilerplate)
#260 opened by alfonsosn - 0
ignite g list is broken
#255 opened by nazrdogan - 2
How to access new screen?
#249 opened by EralpB - 1
why is Andross using mismatched babel version?
#246 opened by EndlezzCoding