
Fixed Axis on Scrollable Chart

roly151 opened this issue · 6 comments

The values on the horizontal axis for a fixed axis scrollable chart are cut off. Only 1 digit shows. This happens in the example app. How we I ensure that the horizontal axis shows the full value?
Screen Shot 2021-12-17 at 5 03 52 pm

Hmm that should be fixed. I'll check it out. Thanks for reporting 😃

@roly151 Just to check, it works fine if you use regular axis in scrollable chart (without fixed axis)?

@lukaknezic Yes, it works fine if you use regular axis in a scrollable chart

Have any updation with this issue, can you please get a status?

Hey @irshadshan000,

Sorry for the delay. Yeah It looks like I accidentally clipped the text in the decoration. Fix will be merged for next release

Yeah sure, Waiting for more features in Scrollable Chart, thank you..