
unexpected status code: 400

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Influxdb is installed on Windows systems, and the version of Influxdb is 2.7,When I used inch to perform performance testing on Influxdb, the following error occurred. How should I handle it

E:\Program Files\Go\bin\inch-master\cmd\inch>inchinch -b 5000 -db "stress-stats" -token "EudZDMn-pLBzcRq8kAN7PH7v8VbyDy-7XBsjyKrJA5J_Ei9OWQyqpfsAn4XqGu7Xb0xLE0C99ZXzpcVRohp5rg==" -v2 -v
Host: http://localhost:8086
Concurrency: 1
Virtual Hosts: 0
Measurements: 1
Tag cardinalities: [10 10 10]
Points per series: 100
Total series: 1000
Total points: 100000
Total fields per point: 1
Randomized field values: false
Multiple writes per point: false
Batch Size: 5000
Database: stress-stats (Shard duration: 7d)
Write Consistency: any
Writing into InfluxDB 2.0: true
InfluxDB 2.0 Authorization Token: EudZDMn-pLBzcRq8kAN7PH7v8VbyDy-7XBsjyKrJA5J_Ei9OWQyqpfsAn4XqGu7Xb0xLE0C99ZXzpcVRohp5rg==
Authorization:[Token EudZDMn-pLBzcRq8kAN7PH7v8VbyDy-7XBsjyKrJA5J_Ei9OWQyqpfsAn4XqGu7Xb0xLE0C99ZXzpcVRohp5rg==]
unexpected status code: 400

The running logs of Influxdb are as follows
2024-06-10T11:02:14.489958Z info executing new query {"log_id": "0phObylW000", "query": "CREATE DATABASE stress-stats WITH DURATION 7d