
Datasource cannot retrieve list of Buckets

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I am unable to connect the datasource. The following error is generated:

Cannot retrieve a list of Buckets. InfluxDB Error Response: "Invalid argument: xxx.119.230.43:50500/api/v2/query?org=Home"

I did try with a new read/write token and even with a fresh organisation but cannot get it to connect.
The port 50500 has been checked and is open pointing to the VM port 8086 on the internal network

Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 05 54 52
bednar commented

Hi @felicemassaro,

thanks for using our connector.

Is your InfluxDB host public? Can you call curl -i -X GET https://xxx.119.230.43:50500/ping?
