
InfluxDB ephemeral and persistent volumes

gianarb opened this issue · 3 comments

Data in InfluxDB are stored on file system. at the moment we are not creating volumes or whatever.

my current opinion is that we should continue in this way plus we should add support for persisted volumes.
What I am saying is that I don't like to create local volumes only persisted or nothing.

This is definitely a thing that needs to be handled out of the operator, I see two ways of using it:

  • you don't persist
  • you create your own persistent volumes and you pass their names to the operator

This choice needs to be like this because storage is very coupled with the infrastructure needs to be managed in different ways each time.

I don't agree that we should not support local volumes, if a user wants to use the local persistent volume type that should be doable.

Also local seems a pretty desirable way to run an InfluxDB instance since it's aware of the volume's constraints given a specific affinity.

And finally, supporting local volumes costs us nothing more than implementing just persistent volumes support.

Based on the experience we made these weeks we need to implement a persistent volume claim.

Yea totally, I like the idea of creating the pvcs from the operator allowing the user to personalize them by doing some kind of ‘volumeClaimTemplate’ thing