
Getting "connection error: builder error: failed to parse header value" from Query()

capveg-netdebug opened this issue · 0 comments

Nothing matching this error in the issues that I've seen.

  • Rust Version:
    stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
    rustc 1.74.0 (79e9716c9 2023-11-13)
  • Runtime version (e.g. Tokio):
    tokio = { version = "1.29.1", features = ["full"] }
  • OS Version:
    Ubuntu 22.04
    Steps to Reproduce:

Very basic hello world but using .with_token(). Any idea what this could be? This is presumably coming from influxdb/src/client/ but it's really unclear what to look at next or even where the error is coming from.

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you in advance.

use log::warn;

struct TimeSeriesDesktopCounter {
    time: DateTime<Utc>,
    source: String,
    counter: String,
    value: u64,

fn main() {
    const TIMESERIESDB_URL: &str = "";
    const API_TOKEN_FILE: &str = ".influxdb_api_token";
    const TIMESERIESDB_NAME: &str = "desktop-counters";
    let client = Client::new(TIMESERIESDB_URL, TIMESERIESDB_NAME);
    let token = std::fs::read_to_string(".influx_api_token).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
        panic!("Critical auth token {} missing:: {}", ".influx_api_token, e)
    let client = client.with_token(token);    
    let queries = &[("foo", 1), ("bar", 2), ("baz", 3)]
        .map(|(c, v)| {
            TimeSeriesDesktopCounter {
                time: Utc::now(),
                source: "test".to_string(), 
                counter: c.to_string(),
                value: *v,
        match client.query(queries).await {
               Ok(out) => warn!("Returned Ok()  but got string  {}", out),
              Err(e) => warn!("Error writing to client: {}", e),



running 1 test
Client = Client { url: "", parameters: {"db": "desktop-counters"}, .. }
Error writing to client: connection error: builder error: failed to parse header value
test desktop_websocket::test::test_cloud_timeseries_db_store ... ok```