
cant create network : AdmConProtoError

Closed this issue · 3 comments

after upgrading from 0.5.0 ansible fails when creating network.

ansible snippet:
- name: Create a network
network: "{{ networkaddr[0] }}"
comment: "{{ network_name }}"
state: present
provider: "{{ {'host': nioshost, 'username': niosuser, 'password': niospassword} }}"

{ "Error": "AdmConProtoError: Field is not readable: template", \n "code": "Client.Ibap.Proto", \n "text": "Field is not readable: template"\n}

Failed on object search with url https://infoblox/wapi/v2.1/network?network=

HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://infoblox/wapi/v2.1/network?network=

Can you please let me know, what is the version of ansible modules , you are running on? And please do share me of infoblox-client version.

We have fixed that bug create because of template which is non searchable field. Please install latest version of both ansible and infoblox-client. And try checking the create network.

Closing this ticket as there is no response from the user.