
Cannot find 1 available IP address(es) in this network

Opened this issue · 2 comments

This may not be an issue per se, it may be just with our understanding of how Infoblox/Terraform provider works. Please forgive my ignorance on this topic; I have reached out to our internal Infoblox support but that team is not sure how this works either.

In Infoblox Web UI, we can see a lot of unused IP addresses, but when the Terraform Infoblox provider makes a request for an IP allocation, we are getting this error back.


Any thoughts for what we may be doing wrong?

I believe the ip allocation block calls the next_available_ip function call but from Infoblox perspective, there's none left/available for it to give out, which makes me think next_available_ip API function does not look at the IP range in DHCP scope; can you please explain how this function works if possible?

I'm facing the same issue, when infoblox has DHCP scope this problem happens.
I can get the next available ip with WAPI calls using data sources but it is not the better way.
The call that I made and works was like it:**range?network**=

So, I think to this resource works the call should be something as it.

Do you have some workaround to this problem?

Not sure if this is considered a workaround, but we decided to create new subnets dedicated for terraform provisioning (off limits to human/engineers) and without DHCP scope.