
Create an Azure DevOps extension (just like the GitHub Action)

dgcaron opened this issue ยท 11 comments

this is more a question than an issue but are there any plans? and if so, would this be the repo that would be used for this?

@dgcaron longer term yes and yes :) I thought that required a typescript app but we've just started investigating it more for GH Actions/Apps to see what the options are.

Would love to get your feedback on the functionality of the integrations and infracost/infracost#1016

@alikhajeh1 you were saying longer term but if someone would build the extension would you take contributions for this?




@tim775's been investigating GitHub Actions/Apps, would be great to see how you did this; I don't see any issues with having a better/simpler integration for Azure DevOps! Maybe send a PR with details on how we can try it? We can also jump on a Zoom call if needed to understand how it works. For Atlantis, we have two integration methods as there's no clear winner, so maybe for Azure DevOps we can also have 2 and if we start to see everyone use the native app then we can kill the old method. One thing we've observed is that companies do CI/CD differently and some like the bare-bones YAML approach as they can fully customize to work with their setup.

sure, i'll clean some stuff up and create a PR. everything is pretty straightforward so I assume a call wouldn't be necessary.

PR is opened at #5

one of the things that would be helpfull would be an -out parameter on the cli to specify the file that needs to be created. (just like the terraform cli has). this to maintain the log/trace output but saving the result to file. simply doing > file,output.json isn't working great in the task runner. captuiring output from the outstream takes to much into the file Iincluding the invocation)

@aliscott and @tim775 FYI on the above comment

This is being worked on by @hugorut and @vdmgolub :)

Hey @dgcaron, I'm going to close this as we now have some shiny new tasks that come as part of our official Azure Devops Extension. You can view it here: . Thanks again for all your help with this ๐Ÿš€ โค๏ธ

Great stuff!! Congrats