Missing proof of correctness of N_tilde
omershlo opened this issue · 4 comments
At the setup of the range proofs the verifier must generated N_tilde, h1,h2 and prove their correctness in zk (as stated in GG18).
In the code there is a proof for h1,h2 but not for N_tilde. The zk proof for correctness of Paillier key already exist in the code and being used elsewhere, so the fix should be easy.
I did not look for specific attacks that uses this lack of proof. However, in the paper https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1052 an attack is described in the case where h1,h2 are also not proven and my intuition tells me that similar attack might exist here as well (albeit harder)
Thanks for the feedback, Omer,
To our best knowledge, NIZKP for Paillier [used in the code] proves that N is relatively prime to Fi(N), as explained well in GRSB19. The setup in FO97 is different, it is based on safe primes, and it requires proofs of alpha and alpha^-1 only in original work. From this standpoint it makes more sense to look into the "proof of N being the product of two safe primes" proposed by Camenish et al in CM99.
Do you agree?
Few points:
- in FO97
(which is N_tilde in our protocol) is a system parameter, given by a trusted third party (or by a trusted verifier), in GG18 we do not have a trusted authority and therefore this parameter must be delivered with a proof - about safe primes: GG18 requires Paillier N to be a multiplication of two safe primes as well. For both cases I claim :
a) for all practical concerns, using large enough primes is enough (see https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/47729/safe-primes-in-rsa for example)
b) proving N and phi(N) are co-primes its enough for correctness
Hi Omer,
We agree with you about the validation of N_tilde. But we are not clear about what do you mean by the correctness of N_tilde. How does 'proving N and phi(N) are co-primes' contribute to this given that N_tilde is the product of two safe primes?
Hi @gtillem !
maybe I am missing something here.
focusing on the validation of N_tilde : it is required to certify N_tilde is a valid RSA key. Why not use the same trick suggested in https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/987.pdf 6.2.3 ?
my previous answer was more focused on choosing safe primes vs choosing regular primes - while the former is obviously better, it is often the case that the latter is being used, and in both cases the RSA key certification proof should be enough, no ?