
Redact AWS credentials in build output

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Currently the plugin dumps the raw request / response to the console, which is helpful, but exposes AWS credentials and/or database passwords if they are being provided through the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_KEY or PARAM1, PARAM2, etc.. optionSettings.

If deployment is run on a build server like jenkins, the passwords are visible in the build results.

Maybe a verbose option?

this comes from aws sdk; there is a logging setting there


We need to add a flag and obviously place a new logging definition, but it also looks it gets some from default.

I added a stub Internally thouth, it looks it uses log4j, so I patched up a I plan to later swap to an empty commons-logging and try to address via logback, with plans to make the verbose flag turn the proper logging for AWS sdk logging calls.

What do you think, gentlemen?

Sounds good to me!


I figured out. Due to JCL, for some weird reason, log4j is not available to the plugin runtime, so the actually is placebo.

I forced it to include log4j and the newer verbose flag should take care of disabling it (hey - I tested that!)

Hey, where do I set the verbose flag?

I'm still getting sensitive stuff in the log file: (I've redacted the sensitive stuff with *** for the purposes of posting the issue :-)

[INFO] [INFO] --- beanstalk-maven-plugin:0.2.2-bedatadriven:upload-source-bundle (default) @ activityinfo-server ---
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] [INFO] Target Path: s3://activityinfo-wars/2.6.17-RELEASE.war
[INFO] [INFO] Uploading artifact file: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/ActivityInfo-2.6/target/checkout/server/target/activityinfo-server-2.6.17.war
[INFO] Jul 6, 2012 9:32:51 AM com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient executeHelper
[INFO] INFO: Sending Request: PUT /2.6.17-RELEASE.war Headers: (Content-Length: 58417483, Content-MD5: kGDfKT1WgsqFYo7TBhIVuQ==, Content-Type: application/octet-stream, ) 
[INFO] Jul 6, 2012 9:32:58 AM com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient handleResponse
[INFO] INFO: Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: AAD87C2722A9B49F
[INFO] [INFO] Artifact Uploaded
[INFO] [INFO] ETag: 9060df293d5682ca85628ed3061215b9 [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] --- beanstalk-maven-plugin:0.2.2-bedatadriven:create-application-version (default) @ activityinfo-server ---
[INFO] Jul 6, 2012 9:32:58 AM com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient executeHelper
[INFO] INFO: Sending Request: POST / Parameters: (ApplicationName: activityinfo, Description: ActivityInfo Server, VersionLabel: 2.6.17-RELEASE, SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: *************************, Timestamp: 2012-07-06T09:32:58.975Z, Signature: D/n*************************,, SourceBundle.S3Key: 2.6.17-RELEASE.war, Action: CreateApplicationVersion, Version: 2010-12-01, SignatureVersion: 2, SourceBundle.S3Bucket: activityinfo-wars, AutoCreateApplication: true, ) 
[INFO] Jul 6, 2012 9:32:59 AM com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient handleResponse
[INFO] INFO: Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: 930346cc-c74d-11e1-ba9b-75ad289ac352
[INFO] [INFO] sourceBundle: {S3Bucket: activityinfo-wars, S3Key: 2.6.17-RELEASE.war, } [class: S3Location]
[INFO] [INFO] versionLabel: 2.6.17-RELEASE [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] description: ActivityInfo Server [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] applicationName: activityinfo [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] dateCreated: Fri Jul 06 09:32:59 UTC 2012 [class: Date]
[INFO] [INFO] dateUpdated: Fri Jul 06 09:32:59 UTC 2012 [class: Date]
[INFO] [INFO] --- beanstalk-maven-plugin:0.2.2-bedatadriven:create-environment (default) @ activityinfo-server ---
[INFO] Jul 6, 2012 9:32:59 AM com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient executeHelper
[INFO] INFO: Sending Request: POST / Parameters: (ApplicationName: activityinfo, OptionSettings.member.6.Namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment, OptionSettings.member.6.OptionName: PARAM2, OptionSettings.member.4.OptionName: Stickiness Cookie Expiration, VersionLabel: 2.6.17-RELEASE, OptionSettings.member.7.OptionName: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, OptionSettings.member.1.OptionName: ImageId, SolutionStackName: 32bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 7, OptionSettings.member.2.OptionName: EC2KeyName, Signature: *************************,/*************************,=, OptionSettings.member.8.OptionName: AWS_SECRET_KEY, CNAMEPrefix: activityinfo-223c19e, OptionSettings.member.7.Namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment, Action: CreateEnvironment, OptionSettings.member.6.Value:, OptionSettings.member.2.Value: bedatadriven, OptionSettings.member.2.Namespace: aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration, OptionSettings.member.8.Value: *************************,/*************************,, Version: 2010-12-01, OptionSettings.member.3.OptionName: Stickiness Policy, OptionSettings.member.4.Namespace: aws:elb:policies, OptionSettings.member.5.Namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment, Description: ActivityInfo Server, OptionSettings.member.5.Value: activityinfo-conf, SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, OptionSettings.member.3.Namespace: aws:elb:policies, AWSAccessKeyId: *************************,, Timestamp: 2012-07-06T09:32:59.576Z, OptionSettings.member.4.Value: 3600, OptionSettings.member.1.Value: ami-8810e8e1, OptionSettings.member.5.OptionName: PARAM1, EnvironmentName: release-223c19e, OptionSettings.member.1.Namespace: aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration, OptionSettings.member.8.Namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment, SignatureVersion: 2, OptionSettings.member.7.Value: A*************************,, OptionSettings.member.3.Value: true, ) 
[INFO] Jul 6, 2012 9:33:01 AM com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient handleResponse
[INFO] INFO: Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: 9352ecad-c74d-11e1-821b-476f77e10a16
[INFO] [INFO] versionLabel: 2.6.17-RELEASE [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] status: Launching [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] applicationName: activityinfo [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] health: Grey [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] dateUpdated: Fri Jul 06 09:33:01 UTC 2012 [class: Date]
[INFO] [INFO] environmentId: e-7j389uuuws [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] solutionStackName: 32bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 7 [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] CNAME: [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] description: ActivityInfo Server [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] dateCreated: Fri Jul 06 09:33:01 UTC 2012 [class: Date]
[INFO] [INFO] environmentName: release-223c19e [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] [INFO] ActivityInfo Parent POM ........................... SUCCESS [6.581s]
[INFO] [INFO] ActivityInfo Server ............................... SUCCESS [9:02.068s]
[INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [INFO] Total time: 9:08.887s
[INFO] [INFO] Finished at: Fri Jul 06 09:33:01 UTC 2012
[INFO] [INFO] Final Memory: 48M/249M

Have you looked at the version? Looks its your fork, right?

-- Aldrin Leal, /

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 6:57 AM, Alex Bertram

Hey, where do I set the verbose flag?

I'm still getting sensitive stuff in the log file: (I've redacted the sensitive stuff with *** for the purposes of posting the issue :-)

[INFO] [INFO] --- beanstalk-maven-plugin:0.2.2-bedatadriven:upload-source-bundle (default) @ activityinfo-server ---
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] [INFO] Target Path: s3://activityinfo-wars/2.6.17-RELEASE.war
[INFO] [INFO] Uploading artifact file: /mnt/workspace/jenkins/ActivityInfo-2.6/target/checkout/server/target/activityinfo-server-2.6.17.war
[INFO] Jul 6, 2012 9:32:51 AM com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient executeHelper
[INFO] INFO: Sending Request: PUT /2.6.17-RELEASE.war Headers: (Content-Length: 58417483, Content-MD5: kGDfKT1WgsqFYo7TBhIVuQ==, Content-Type: application/octet-stream, )
[INFO] Jul 6, 2012 9:32:58 AM com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient handleResponse
[INFO] INFO: Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: AAD87C2722A9B49F
[INFO] [INFO] Artifact Uploaded
[INFO] [INFO] ETag: 9060df293d5682ca85628ed3061215b9 [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] --- beanstalk-maven-plugin:0.2.2-bedatadriven:create-application-version (default) @ activityinfo-server ---
[INFO] Jul 6, 2012 9:32:58 AM com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient executeHelper
[INFO] INFO: Sending Request: POST / Parameters: (ApplicationName: activityinfo, Description: ActivityInfo Server, VersionLabel: 2.6.17-RELEASE, SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, AWSAccessKeyId: *************************, Timestamp: 2012-07-06T09:32:58.975Z, Signature: D/n*************************,, SourceBundle.S3Key: 2.6.17-RELEASE.war, Action: CreateApplicationVersion, Version: 2010-12-01, SignatureVersion: 2, SourceBundle.S3Bucket: activityinfo-wars, AutoCreateApplication: true, )
[INFO] Jul 6, 2012 9:32:59 AM com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient handleResponse
[INFO] INFO: Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: 930346cc-c74d-11e1-ba9b-75ad289ac352
[INFO] [INFO] sourceBundle: {S3Bucket: activityinfo-wars, S3Key: 2.6.17-RELEASE.war, } [class: S3Location]
[INFO] [INFO] versionLabel: 2.6.17-RELEASE [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] description: ActivityInfo Server [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] applicationName: activityinfo [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] dateCreated: Fri Jul 06 09:32:59 UTC 2012 [class: Date]
[INFO] [INFO] dateUpdated: Fri Jul 06 09:32:59 UTC 2012 [class: Date]
[INFO] [INFO] --- beanstalk-maven-plugin:0.2.2-bedatadriven:create-environment (default) @ activityinfo-server ---
[INFO] Jul 6, 2012 9:32:59 AM com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient executeHelper
[INFO] INFO: Sending Request: POST / Parameters: (ApplicationName: activityinfo, OptionSettings.member.6.Namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment, OptionSettings.member.6.OptionName: PARAM2, OptionSettings.member.4.OptionName: Stickiness Cookie Expiration, VersionLabel: 2.6.17-RELEASE, OptionSettings.member.7.OptionName: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, OptionSettings.member.1.OptionName: ImageId, SolutionStackName: 32bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 7, OptionSettings.member.2.OptionName: EC2KeyName, Signature: *************************,/*************************,=, OptionSettings.member.8.OptionName: AWS_SECRET_KEY, CNAMEPrefix: activityinfo-223c19e, OptionSettings.member.7.Namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment, Action: CreateEnvironment, OptionSettings.member.6.Value:, OptionSettings.member.2.Value: bedatadriven, OptionSettings.member.2.Namespace: aws:autoscaling:launchco
 nfiguration, OptionSettings.member.8.Value: *************************,/*************************,, Version: 2010-12-01, OptionSettings.member.3.OptionName: Stickiness Policy, OptionSettings.member.4.Namespace: aws:elb:policies, OptionSettings.member.5.Namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment, Description: ActivityInfo Server, OptionSettings.member.5.Value: activityinfo-conf, SignatureMethod: HmacSHA256, OptionSettings.member.3.Namespace: aws:elb:policies, AWSAccessKeyId: *************************,, Timestamp: 2012-07-06T09:32:59.576Z, OptionSettings.member.4.Value: 3600, OptionSettings.member.1.Value: ami-8810e8e1, OptionSettings.member.5.OptionName: PARAM1, EnvironmentName: release-223c19e, OptionSettings.member.1.Namespace: aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration, OptionSettings.member.8.Namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment, SignatureVersion: 2, OptionSettings.member.7.Value: A*************************,, OptionSettings.member.3.Value: true, )
[INFO] Jul 6, 2012 9:33:01 AM com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient handleResponse
[INFO] INFO: Received successful response: 200, AWS Request ID: 9352ecad-c74d-11e1-821b-476f77e10a16
[INFO] [INFO] versionLabel: 2.6.17-RELEASE [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] status: Launching [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] applicationName: activityinfo [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] health: Grey [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] dateUpdated: Fri Jul 06 09:33:01 UTC 2012 [class: Date]
[INFO] [INFO] environmentId: e-7j389uuuws [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] solutionStackName: 32bit Amazon Linux running Tomcat 7 [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] CNAME: [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] description: ActivityInfo Server [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] dateCreated: Fri Jul 06 09:33:01 UTC 2012 [class: Date]
[INFO] [INFO] environmentName: release-223c19e [class: String]
[INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] [INFO] ActivityInfo Parent POM ........................... SUCCESS [6.581s]
[INFO] [INFO] ActivityInfo Server ............................... SUCCESS [9:02.068s]
[INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [INFO] Total time: 9:08.887s
[INFO] [INFO] Finished at: Fri Jul 06 09:33:01 UTC 2012
[INFO] [INFO] Final Memory: 48M/249M

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#7 (comment)

Oh whoops, totally right. Forgot to change the version in the profile!