
"Worker" environment is too old

mobiletoly opened this issue · 5 comments

I recently had an issue deploying new environment to Beanstalk via beanstalker plugin. This is a "worker" environment and my options looks like:





    <beanstalk.solutionStack>64bit Amazon Linux 201* v* running Docker *</beanstalk.solutionStack>



So the problem is that it somehow creates an old environment. All workers that are created post-2014 should have a aws-sqsd 1.1 or 2.0 daemon running in environment, while after creating an environment with beanstalker plugin results in very old aws-sqsd (in it causes issues). This is a version reported in logs:

2015-10-11T05:03:54Z init: initializing aws-sqsd 1.0 (2013-12-23)

If I create an environment through web interface, I could see aws-sqsd 2.0 version being run. I was talking to Amazon support and they think that it is a problem with plugin that I use. He said:

But, it would seem to me like the issue is with the plugin. It seems to be requesting an old template, which is causing the issue.

When I have tried to create environment through web interface, instead of via maven plugin, he saw a difference right away

it's already looking better on my side. It's now Environment Tier "Worker" instead of "Worker 1.0"

So what is a cause of plugin creating that "Worker 1.0" instead of "Worker"?

I see. In this file:

environmentTierVersion is "1.0" which is too old. Could you please expose this via properties, e.g.


or update it in your code? Or may be don't specify version at all in your code, it should use the latest one.

For now this is a show stopper for me :( Because my app relies on reading X-Aws-Sqsd-Attr-xxxx headers and it is not available with aws-sqsd 1.0

I added beanstalk.environmentTier{Type,Name,Version} properties in the latest snapshot. Compile locally and tell me your results please :)

Works very well! Created 2.0 instance with:


and verified that it creates an instance with aws-sqsd daemon version 2.0.

Thank you.


Any plans to do a new release any time soon?

When I find the time to properly review. Meanwhile, feel free to run this command:

$ git clone <this repo>
$ mvn install -DskipTests

Then you'll have 1.4.2-SNAPSHOT available

Thank you