[Enhancement] Command line usage
Closed this issue · 7 comments
Allow BM to be used in the command line
Allow BM to be used in the command line
thanks for suggestion ill try
Allow BM to be used in the command line
I added beatman.py. I haven't used apps in command line mode so not sure if that is what it is supposed to be. Also I don't know how to actually run it from command line... So I couldn't really test if it works or not, I hope it does.
it should work like this: beatman -i "path/to/input" -o "path to output" -p "pattern" -s scale -h shift
or beatman -input "path/to/input" -output "path to output" -pattern "pattern"
-scale scale -shift shift`
some parameters are optional and it will ask for ones that are necessary if theyre missing
you.... somehow managed to make beatman take a screenshot
four of them
oh wait i ran it wrong, py -m
oh wait i ran it wrong, py -m
how did you make it take a screenshot lmao
uhm I am looking for a job