Can you teach me?
Opened this issue · 9 comments
Why choose to use FLAME 2020 instead of FLAME 2023?
Another question is why the limits of shapes and expressions are n_shape=100, n_exp=50, instead of 300,100. Isn’t this richer?
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hello thank you thank you very much, do you want mi band
@psen2022 It's because DECA used this.
@initialneil Dear author, in the Full-body Avatar, the mask is obtained through scripts/, but the image is still empty. How to get it?
@psen2022 Please try breakpoint debugging with vscode and make good use of the Debug Console.
@initialneil Could you please explain more detail about rendering in unity? After we have one json file, one fbx file, and one ply file, how can I render it in Unity like the demo video? Please provide some steps. Thank you so much!