
[!] Could not find that company name

thatsecguy opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi @initstring

Testing this out and I keep getting the above error, irrespective of the company name used (even tried uber-com as a test).

Script output is as follows,

[*] Using version 0.10, which is the latest on Gitlab.

[*] Successfully logged in.

[!] Could not find that company name. Please double-check LinkedIn and try again.

Hi @thatsecguy ,

Thank you very much for taking the time to open this ticket!

I just ran the tool several times and it is working perfectly for me. You must have hit an interesting error condition that I haven't accounted for. I would love to figure this out so I can output a better error message for others encountering it.

Can you try:

  • Run it on another machine and/or from another network. Possibly something local on your machine or possibly a proxy/web filter/etc in your network
  • Share with me the command exactly as you are running it (anonymize your email address)

If that doesn't work, it would be helpful if I could have the GET request that is causing this issue. You can use the --proxy feature to run it through Burp suite. If you wouldn't mind sharing the HTTP response to the GET /company/whatever request with me. You can anonymize it as needed and share it with me at my username at if you are comfortable doing that.

If you can't share that, I understand, and perhaps we can troubleshoot another way.

Thanks again!

Hi @initstring

Tried another machine and connecting via mobile connection, still the same result. The exact command is as follows,

./ uber-com

I have mailed you the GET requests.


Thanks for providing debugging details and helping me troubleshoot.

For anyone reading, the fix was to use a VPN with an exit point in Australia (probably other major countries would be ok too). LinkedIn appears to force a low-bandwidth template to some users, which is not compatible with li2u.

I am investigating what fix to implement - that ticket is on GitLab here.

Closing this ticket.
