
Support logging configuration

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Bind has an extensive logging configuration that needs to go in named.conf. This gets wiped out due to puppet managing the entire file. Makes it very difficult to setup say syslog management for this file. Please add support for the logging clause in the main bind class.

I actually updated some parts of this module about a month ago but never submitted a pull request with the changes. I'll try to get that done tonight and submit the PR.

Just submitted my PR #110. Feel free to check it out.

Looks pretty good just reading the patches. I haven't tried to use it directly. My current hack is to just specify the logging file with a File resource and then use a File_line resource to tack on the handler at the end.

I've been using these changes for a month or so and they've worked well for me.

I'll try to give this feature request some attention in the next week.

somehow i managed to close the PR I submitted...still learning git apparently. I've submitted a new PR #114 with the same changes (hopefully)

@WetHippie Please have a look at #115 and let me know if it meets your needs.

@makeacode the changes in #114 implement a style of puppet configuration that I don't like. Also, I have seen that exact code before, probably from the place you found it.

Might as well close now that we have a config in the main release