
Changes to zone files passed in via source="puppet:///path/to/file" aren't applied on agent run

Closed this issue · 1 comments

mlow commented

Am using r10k and fairly new to puppet. Not sure if this is by design or not, but it's not very desirable.. I'd like to be able to update a zone file in the r10k repo, re-run the puppet agent and have zone fliles get updated as appropriate and the bind9 service reloaded so they take effect
Message I get from puppet when the existing zone file in /var/cache/bind differs from what's in the r10k repo:
Notice: /Stage[main]/Profile::Bind/Bind::Zone[]/File[/var/cache/bind/]/content: audit change: previously recorded value {md5}f7c21a5814843e3e0b1c4c8fea261127 has been changed to {md5}6b460458483d62ddabf0722a9dd63292

But no changes get applied..

mlow commented

Needed to set bind::zone dynamic to false -- oops!