
MarketPlace does not emit any events

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The exported data told me there is no event emitted for the whole marketplace.

The minimum I have out of my head

    /// should be also emitted for unlist
    pub struct TokenListed {
        contract: AccountId,
        id: Id,
        price: Option<Balance>,
    /// price 'cause user can send more
    pub struct TokenBought {
        contract: AccountId,
        id: Id,
        price: Balance,
    /// can be also emitted for factory
     pub struct CollectionRegistered {
        contract: AccountId,
        metadada: Bytes
export type Event = never

export type Message = Message_MarketplaceSale_unlist | Message_MarketplaceSale_register | Message_MarketplaceSale_buy | Message_MarketplaceSale_set_marketplace_fee | Message_MarketplaceSale_set_fee_recipient | Message_MarketplaceSale_get_price | Message_MarketplaceSale_list | Message_MarketplaceSale_factory | Message_MarketplaceSale_get_max_fee | Message_MarketplaceSale_get_registered_collection | Message_MarketplaceSale_get_marketplace_fee | Message_MarketplaceSale_set_nft_contract_hash | Message_MarketplaceSale_get_fee_recipient | Message_MarketplaceSale_set_contract_metadata | Message_MarketplaceSale_nft_contract_hash

There is no events in the marketplace contract at the moment. We thought that NFT contract events are sufficient. I will add those events if needed.