
SLTextField isn't tappable

justinseanmartin opened this issue · 4 comments

I was debugging an issue yesterday and I believe it is the same as described here:

I debugged it for a while, did some playing around with the UIAutomation JavaScript being generated, and found a patch that fixed the issue. The accessibility hierarchy being generated was:

UIWindow -> STTableView (our subclass) -> UITableViewCellScrollView -> SQTextField (our subclass)

However, it seems like the accessibility hierarchy that worked from instruments was:

UIWindow -> STTableView -> SQTextField

I have a patch that fixes the behavior I was seeing, but I'm not sure what other side effects it might have (otherwise I'd just open a PR). Also, I can't tap on the text controls in iOS6 (with or without my patch), so I excluded modifying the behavior on that platform.

Patch: justinseanmartin@e8cc1e5

I've opened a PR with a corresponding integration test case: #202

Did #202 resolve this @justinseanmartin?

Yes, this issue is now fixed in master.
