

FrankIT60 opened this issue · 7 comments

during installation these messages came out:

MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:~ francom$ go get -u
go/src/ undefined: FocusedFlagsDefault
go/src/ undefined: HoveredFlagsDefault
MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:~ francom$ go version
go version go1.13.6 darwin/amd64

What's I wrong ?


Hello @FrankIT60 !
That's interesting. Can you run the imgui-go-examples? I wonder whether it has something to do with dependencies or direct getting...


this is

MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:example_glfw_opengl2 francom$ go run main.go -tags 'glfw'
go: downloading v2.0.1
go: downloading v0.0.0-20181026044259-55b76b7df9d2
go: extracting v2.0.1
go: extracting v0.0.0-20181026044259-55b76b7df9d2
go: finding v2.0.1
go: finding v0.0.0-20181026044259-55b76b7df9d2
# command-line-arguments
./main.go:21:19: undefined: platforms.NewGLFW
./main.go:21:41: undefined: platforms.GLFWClientAPIOpenGL2
MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:example_glfw_opengl2 francom$ cd ../example_glfw_opengl3
MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:example_glfw_opengl3 francom$ go run main.go -tags 'glfw'
# command-line-arguments
./main.go:21:19: undefined: platforms.NewGLFW
./main.go:21:41: undefined: platforms.GLFWClientAPIOpenGL3
MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:example_glfw_opengl3 francom$ cd ../example_sdl_opengl2
MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:example_sdl_opengl2 francom$ go run main.go -tags 'sdl'
# command-line-arguments
./main.go:21:19: undefined: platforms.NewSDL
./main.go:21:40: undefined: platforms.SDLClientAPIOpenGL2
MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:example_sdl_opengl2 francom$ cd ../example_sdl_opengl3
MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:example_sdl_opengl3 francom$ go run main.go -tags 'sdl'
# command-line-arguments
./main.go:21:19: undefined: platforms.NewSDL
./main.go:21:40: undefined: platforms.SDLClientAPIOpenGL3


Seems like one of my commits #69 is the culprit. Instead of passing 0 as default flags, I did refer by their const name - so, instead of default flag 0, it's using HoveredFlagsNone.
@dertseha do you want me to create new PR for the fix or commit it in #79?

@supudo - oi! thank you for the investigation, I did not see that.
I fixed the constants online, please try again, @FrankIT60 .

As this fell through manual checks, I think I'll add build automation, so that such things can't happen again :)

the same

drwxr-xr-x    4 francom  staff   128 22 Gen 13:40 .
drwxr-xr-x  150 francom  staff  4800 22 Gen 13:40 ..
drwxr-xr-x   94 francom  staff  3008 22 Gen 13:40 imgui-go
drwxr-xr-x   13 francom  staff   416 22 Gen 13:40 imgui-go-examples
MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:inkyblackness francom$ 
MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:inkyblackness francom$ 
MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:inkyblackness francom$ rm -r imgui-go
override r--r--r--  francom/staff for imgui-go/.git/objects/pack/pack-dccf5ccbb27834e8b0d4644ffdb52dab2650363d.idx? y
override r--r--r--  francom/staff for imgui-go/.git/objects/pack/pack-dccf5ccbb27834e8b0d4644ffdb52dab2650363d.pack? y
MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:inkyblackness francom$ go get -u
MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:inkyblackness francom$ cd imgui-go-examples/cmd/example_glfw_opengl2
MacBook-Pro-di-Franco:example_glfw_opengl2 francom$  go run main.go -tags 'glfw'
# command-line-arguments
./main.go:21:19: undefined: platforms.NewGLFW
./main.go:21:41: undefined: platforms.GLFWClientAPIOpenGL2

OK, I got to my development machine again.

First of all, master of imgui-go compiles again - so, that is fixed. Thank you for noticing!

As for your not working imgui-go-examples: The -tags 'glfw' have to be specified before the .go file to take effect. After the main file, they are considered as arguments to the run application, not the go tool. So, run the examples with a line such as:

go run -tags 'glfw' main.go

Now it's ok. Thanks. I am amazed!!!!