
Leadership component: photos & titles for past speaker

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Some profile pictures for past speakers are needed, as well as preferred titles. A placeholder iesd logo currently appears if no photo is provided. Also, I have included the name of the talk in place of a title.

Oh, here we go:

lloan commented

@amacbain1 How's it going with procuring the images? Need any help? Thanks!

I must be losing my mind because I thought I was sending an email @.@
EDIT: OOOOOH! Ok, I get how this "technology" thing works now... :D

Thanks @SJT1988! I'll get you on there soon, I promise :)

Looks like it might be more consistent for you to have a picture of me with a solid background. I don't know how you made the other photos so here is the cutout version of me. You can load it in Photoshop and put whatever kind of background or overlay you need in it. WARNING: it looks terrible on its own with the transparency because Chrome does not seem to support variance in alpha channels--either it's transparent or it's opaque. So these will need new backgrounds. As always, I can make it however you need if you don't have the software.

Thanks @SJT1988, I will update. @lloan, yes, please, I still need photos, plus Vast (I'll hit him up on Slack) and the previous week's speaker. Apparently people ignore random strangers asking for personal photos, lol. All other issues with this component will (optimistically) be completed today.

lloan commented

@amacbain1 I reached out on Slack to speakers missing images. Will update this once we get these missing images.

lloan commented

Looks like we were able to collect a lot more pictures. Will close this one down for now as it was mostly created when we had a lot of placeholders, we're in a good place now.