The ledger implementation and specifications of the Cardano blockchain.
- 5
- 2
Add `%?` operator
#4696 opened by lehins - 0
Drop support for GHC 8.10.7
#4798 opened by lehins - 0
- 0
Improve performance of `upgradeTxOut`
#4847 opened by lehins - 0
Remove `era` type parameter from `MemoBytes`
#4842 opened by teodanciu - 2
Haddock generation on GitHub is failing
#4840 opened by neilmayhew - 1
Simplify TxOut definition
#4794 opened by lehins - 0
- 2
Minor typo in Conway Ledger CDDL
#4823 opened by Crypto2099 - 0
Fix incorrect usage of `catch` in pure code
#4802 opened by lehins - 0
Upstream tx size-ish checks from Consensus
#4820 opened by amesgen - 0
Disallow duplicate elements / keys in witnesses
#4698 opened by lehins - 0
Rename Imp test helper functions for consistency
#4760 opened by lehins - 0
Make `CertState` into a type family
#4693 opened by lehins - 1
- 0
Conway CDDL: Refactor based on latest Babbage CDDL
#4797 opened by aniketd - 0
Babbage: Generate CDDL using Huddle/Cuddle
#4781 opened by aniketd - 0
Stop using deprecated `cabal format`
#4704 opened by lehins - 4
- 0
Alonzo: Generate CDDL using Huddle/Cuddle
#4769 opened by aniketd - 0
Revert a commit once we drop support for GHC 8
#4786 opened by Soupstraw - 0
- 0
- 0
Failures on nightly CI
#4775 opened by lehins - 2
- 1
- 0
`∆r` in `RewardUpdate` can be positive, which may cause issues with serialization
#4771 opened by WhatisRT - 0
Fix all tests under Conformance.Imp
#4770 opened by aniketd - 0
Pass `curEpochNo` instead of `curSlotNo` to all the rules that don't need `SlotNo`
#4692 opened by lehins - 0
conformance test failure on CI
#4754 opened by lehins - 0
Generator quality - CERT rule filtering
#4761 opened by Soupstraw - 0
constrain-generators CI failure
#4753 opened by lehins - 7
Remove usage of git submodule for `cardano-mainnet-mirror`
#4749 opened by lehins - 0
- 0
Bring back couple of Imp tests that check SPO voting
#4727 opened by lehins - 0
- 1
Improve vote generators: no valid SPO votes generated
#4724 opened by Soupstraw - 6
- 0
Annotate literals in Constrained generators
#4731 opened by MaximilianAlgehed - 3
- 0
Reorganize Imp tests with respect to bootstrap flag
#4703 opened by teodanciu - 0
- 0
Main `` should say how to enter nix shell
#4687 opened by williamdemeo - 0
Conformance test failure on CI
#4685 opened by lehins - 0
Clarify which phase1 validation is skipped for `isValid == False` transactions
#4695 opened by lehins - 0
- 0
Move `ConwayTreasuryValueMismatch` into `UTXO` rule
#4691 opened by lehins - 0
Create conformance test to catch "policy supplied with the wrong actions" bug
#4690 opened by williamdemeo - 1
NEWEPOCH conformance
#4678 opened by Soupstraw