
Formalization of the Cardano ledger specification

Primary LanguageIsabelle


You need Isabelle2019 to use the Isabelle developments in this directory. You can obtain Isabelle2019 from the Isabelle website.


To make the Isabelle developments in this directory available to your Isabelle installation, please add the path of this directory to the file $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/ROOTS. You can find out the value of $ISABELLE_HOME_USER by running the following command:

isabelle getenv ISABELLE_HOME_USER


Running make builds the PDF documents for the different Isabelle libraries and places them in $ISABELLE_BROWSER_INFO/Ouroboros. You can find out the value of $ISABELLE_BROWSER_INFO by running the following command:


The makefile specifies two targets: properly, which is the default, and qnd. With properly, fake proofs (sorry) are not accepted; with qnd, quick-and-dirty mode is used and thus fake proofs are accepted.