
CAD-403 Configs setting and getting does not work as expected

paweljakubas opened this issue · 0 comments


I experimented with the project in the context of cardano-wallet project. The idea was to deliver/document minimal configs for --logging-config. I did the following:

  1. Initialized logging (using defaultConfigStdout and cardano-wallet's initTracer :
  2. Dumped the configuration to yaml (using exportConfiguration)
  3. Then read the obtained yaml configurations and
  4. Compared the configuration values of 1 and 3 (I expect them to be the same). To achieve that I used something like that :
    compareCfgs cfg1 cfg2 = do
        cfgI1 <- readMVar cfg1
        cfgI2 <- readMVar cfg2
        cfgI1 `shouldBe` cfgI2

Here, I rely on the fact that ConfigurationInternal has Eq instance.
And, for the initTracer case I got the following yaml:

rotation: null
- KatipBK
- KatipBK
- AggregationBK
hasPrometheus: null
hasGraylog: null
hasGUI: null
- - StdoutSK
  - text
      subtrace: NoTrace
      subtrace: NoTrace
      subtrace: NoTrace
      subtrace: NoTrace
      subtrace: NoTrace
      subtrace: NoTrace
- scName: text
  scRotation: null
  scKind: StdoutSK
  scFormat: ScText
  scPrivacy: ScPublic
- scName: json
  scRotation: null
  scKind: StdoutSK
  scFormat: ScJson
  scPrivacy: ScPublic
logOutput: null
hasEKG: null
minSeverity: Debug

For the defaultConfigStdout the following :

rotation: null
- KatipBK
- KatipBK
hasPrometheus: null
hasGraylog: null
hasGUI: null
- - StdoutSK
  - text
      subtrace: NoTrace
      subtrace: NoTrace
      subtrace: NoTrace
      subtrace: NoTrace
      subtrace: NoTrace
      subtrace: NoTrace
- scName: text
  scRotation: null
  scKind: StdoutSK
  scFormat: ScText
  scPrivacy: ScPublic
- scName: json
  scRotation: null
  scKind: StdoutSK
  scFormat: ScJson
  scPrivacy: ScPublic
logOutput: null
hasEKG: null
minSeverity: Debug

And when using the above yaml files and reading them using CM.setup configFile we endup with different values of ConfigurationInternal values.

To be specific, for defaultConfigStdout we have the following discrepancy:

 1) Cardano.CLI.initTracer no settings
       expected: ConfigurationInternal {cgMinSeverity = Debug, cgDefRotation = Nothing, cgMapSeverity = fromList [], cgMapSubtrace = fromList [("#messagecounters.monitoring",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.ekgview",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.aggregation",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.graylog",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.katip",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.switchboard",NoTrace)], cgOptions = fromList [("mapSubtrace",fromList [("#messagecounters.monitoring",Object (fromList [("subtrace",String "NoTrace")])),("#messagecounters.ekgview",Object (fromList [("subtrace",String "NoTrace")])),("#messagecounters.aggregation",Object (fromList [("subtrace",String "NoTrace")])),("#messagecounters.graylog",Object (fromList [("subtrace",String "NoTrace")])),("#messagecounters.katip",Object (fromList [("subtrace",String "NoTrace")])),("#messagecounters.switchboard",Object (fromList [("subtrace",String "NoTrace")]))])], cgMapBackend = fromList [], cgDefBackendKs = [KatipBK], cgSetupBackends = [KatipBK], cgMapScribe = fromList [], cgMapScribeCache = fromList [], cgDefScribes = ["StdoutSK::text"], cgSetupScribes = [ScribeDefinition {scKind = StdoutSK, scFormat = ScText, scName = "text", scPrivacy = ScPublic, scRotation = Nothing},ScribeDefinition {scKind = StdoutSK, scFormat = ScJson, scName = "json", scPrivacy = ScPublic, scRotation = Nothing}], cgMapAggregatedKind = fromList [], cgDefAggregatedKind = StatsAK, cgMonitors = fromList [], cgPortEKG = 0, cgPortGraylog = 0, cgBindAddrPrometheus = Just ("",12799), cgPortGUI = 0, cgLogOutput = Nothing}
        but got: ConfigurationInternal {cgMinSeverity = Debug, cgDefRotation = Nothing, cgMapSeverity = fromList [], cgMapSubtrace = fromList [("#messagecounters.monitoring",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.ekgview",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.aggregation",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.graylog",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.katip",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.switchboard",NoTrace)], cgOptions = fromList [], cgMapBackend = fromList [], cgDefBackendKs = [KatipBK], cgSetupBackends = [KatipBK], cgMapScribe = fromList [], cgMapScribeCache = fromList [], cgDefScribes = ["StdoutSK::text"], cgSetupScribes = [ScribeDefinition {scKind = StdoutSK, scFormat = ScText, scName = "text", scPrivacy = ScPublic, scRotation = Nothing},ScribeDefinition {scKind = StdoutSK, scFormat = ScJson, scName = "json", scPrivacy = ScPublic, scRotation = Nothing}], cgMapAggregatedKind = fromList [], cgDefAggregatedKind = StatsAK, cgMonitors = fromList [], cgPortEKG = 0, cgPortGraylog = 0, cgBindAddrPrometheus = Nothing, cgPortGUI = 0, cgLogOutput = Nothing}

And for initTracer situation the following discrepancy :

      expected: ConfigurationInternal {cgMinSeverity = Debug, cgDefRotation = Nothing, cgMapSeverity = fromList [], cgMapSubtrace = fromList [("#messagecounters.monitoring",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.ekgview",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.aggregation",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.graylog",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.katip",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.switchboard",NoTrace)], cgOptions = fromList [("mapSubtrace",fromList [("#messagecounters.monitoring",Object (fromList [("subtrace",String "NoTrace")])),("#messagecounters.ekgview",Object (fromList [("subtrace",String "NoTrace")])),("#messagecounters.aggregation",Object (fromList [("subtrace",String "NoTrace")])),("#messagecounters.graylog",Object (fromList [("subtrace",String "NoTrace")])),("#messagecounters.katip",Object (fromList [("subtrace",String "NoTrace")])),("#messagecounters.switchboard",Object (fromList [("subtrace",String "NoTrace")]))])], cgMapBackend = fromList [], cgDefBackendKs = [KatipBK], cgSetupBackends = [AggregationBK,KatipBK], cgMapScribe = fromList [], cgMapScribeCache = fromList [], cgDefScribes = ["StdoutSK::text"], cgSetupScribes = [ScribeDefinition {scKind = StdoutSK, scFormat = ScText, scName = "text", scPrivacy = ScPublic, scRotation = Nothing},ScribeDefinition {scKind = StdoutSK, scFormat = ScJson, scName = "json", scPrivacy = ScPublic, scRotation = Nothing}], cgMapAggregatedKind = fromList [], cgDefAggregatedKind = StatsAK, cgMonitors = fromList [], cgPortEKG = 0, cgPortGraylog = 0, cgBindAddrPrometheus = Just ("",12799), cgPortGUI = 0, cgLogOutput = Nothing}
        but got: ConfigurationInternal {cgMinSeverity = Debug, cgDefRotation = Nothing, cgMapSeverity = fromList [], cgMapSubtrace = fromList [("#messagecounters.monitoring",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.ekgview",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.aggregation",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.graylog",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.katip",NoTrace),("#messagecounters.switchboard",NoTrace)], cgOptions = fromList [], cgMapBackend = fromList [], cgDefBackendKs = [KatipBK], cgSetupBackends = [KatipBK,AggregationBK], cgMapScribe = fromList [], cgMapScribeCache = fromList [], cgDefScribes = ["StdoutSK::text"], cgSetupScribes = [ScribeDefinition {scKind = StdoutSK, scFormat = ScText, scName = "text", scPrivacy = ScPublic, scRotation = Nothing},ScribeDefinition {scKind = StdoutSK, scFormat = ScJson, scName = "json", scPrivacy = ScPublic, scRotation = Nothing}], cgMapAggregatedKind = fromList [], cgDefAggregatedKind = StatsAK, cgMonitors = fromList [], cgPortEKG = 0, cgPortGraylog = 0, cgBindAddrPrometheus = Nothing, cgPortGUI = 0, cgLogOutput = Nothing}

There is problem with cgBindAddrPrometheus and cgOptions.