
[question] Win32-network package on UNIX platforms

mark-stopka opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, we are adding IOHK Monitoring Framework into openSUSE, cabal2spec lists ghc-Win32-network-devel as a dependency, I would need a confirmation, that this package is not required for UNIX builds such as openSUSE builts?

Currently open PR(s)/Ticket(s)

@mark-stopka, thank you for catching this.

Just as a notice, @mark-stopka -- this isn't going to be resolved immediately, as there apparently are downstream consequences for this change that need to be ironed out.

Cool, no problem, I suppose we can work with this for now :) we still have quite a few packages to make before this one is the last required, so perhaps by then it will be done, and if not, we make a package for this one for later removal also :)