
Compilation error on Windows

newhoggy opened this issue · 0 comments

src\Cardano\BM\Counters\Windows.hsc:266:17: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘ProcessId -> IO CpuTimes’
                  with actual type ‘IO CpuTimes’
    • The function ‘getCpuTimes’ is applied to one argument,
      but its type ‘IO CpuTimes’ has none
      In a stmt of a 'do' block: cputimes <- getCpuTimes pid
      In the expression:
        do sysinfo <- getSysInfo
           cputimes <- getCpuTimes pid
           winbits <- getWinBits
             [Counter SysInfo "Pid" (PureI $ fromIntegral pid),
                SysInfo "Platform" (PureI $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum Windows),
266 |     cputimes <- getCpuTimes pid

    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

src\Cardano\BM\Counters\Windows.hsc:336:17: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘IO CpuTimes’
                  with actual type ‘ProcessId -> IO CpuTimes’
    • Probable cause: ‘getCpuTimes’ is applied to too few arguments
      In a stmt of a 'do' block: cputimes <- getCpuTimes
      In the expression:
        do cputimes <- getCpuTimes
             [Counter StatInfo "Pid" (PureI $ fromIntegral pid),
              Counter StatInfo "UserTime" (Microseconds $ usertime cputimes),
      In an equation for ‘readProcStats’:
          readProcStats pid
            = do cputimes <- getCpuTimes
                 return [Counter StatInfo "Pid" (PureI $ fromIntegral pid), ....]
336 |     cputimes <- getCpuTimes

    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^
