Test failures with GHC 9.8.1
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andreasabel commented
On current master
(1495ff2) I am getting test failures when built with GHC 9.8.1.
Update: I am also getting these failures for the released 0.1.4
✗ EXPECTED FAILURE failed at test/Test/NoThunks/Class.hs:176:7
after 18 tests and 2 shrinks.
shrink path: 18:b2
Just ["Int","Seq"] 33% ██████▋·············
Nothing 61% ████████████▏·······
┏━━ test/Test/NoThunks/Class.hs ━━━
163 ┃ testWithModel :: forall a. FromModel a
164 ┃ => (Maybe ThunkInfo -> Maybe [String] -> Bool)
165 ┃ -> Proxy a
166 ┃ -- ^ Compare @ThunkInfo@. When we use 'noThunks' this
167 ┃ -- can just be @(==)@; however, when we use 'isNormalForm', the
168 ┃ -- context we will get from the model will be too detailed.
169 ┃ -> Property
170 ┃ testWithModel compareInfo _proxy = withTests 1000 $ property $ do
171 ┃ m :: Model a <- forAll genModel
┃ │ Wrap
┃ │ { unwrap =
┃ │ SeqEnqueue
┃ │ (IntValue 0)
┃ │ (SeqEnqueue
┃ │ (IntValue 0)
┃ │ (SeqEnqueue
┃ │ (IntValue 0)
┃ │ (SeqEnqueue
┃ │ (IntValue 0)
┃ │ (SeqEnqueue (IntValue 0) (SeqEnqueue (IntValue 0) SeqEmpty)))))
┃ │ }
172 ┃ collect $ modelUnexpected [] m
173 ┃ fromModel m $ \a -> do
174 ┃ annotate $ show $ modelIsNF [] m
┃ │ IsNF
175 ┃ isNF <- liftIO $ noThunks [] a
176 ┃ Hedgehog.diff isNF compareInfo (modelUnexpected [] m)
┃ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
┃ │ ━━━ Failed (- lhs) (+ rhs) ━━━
┃ │ - Just ThunkInfo { thunkContext = [ "..." , "Seq Int" ] }
┃ │ + Nothing
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheckAt (Seed 9830890977581035153 3438688580856117965) "18:b2" EXPECTED FAILURE
IntInt: FAIL (0.07s)
✗ <interactive> failed at test/Test/NoThunks/Class.hs:176:7
after 1 test and 1 shrink.
shrink path: 1:a
┏━━ test/Test/NoThunks/Class.hs ━━━
163 ┃ testWithModel :: forall a. FromModel a
164 ┃ => (Maybe ThunkInfo -> Maybe [String] -> Bool)
165 ┃ -> Proxy a
166 ┃ -- ^ Compare @ThunkInfo@. When we use 'noThunks' this
167 ┃ -- can just be @(==)@; however, when we use 'isNormalForm', the
168 ┃ -- context we will get from the model will be too detailed.
169 ┃ -> Property
170 ┃ testWithModel compareInfo _proxy = withTests 1000 $ property $ do
171 ┃ m :: Model a <- forAll genModel
┃ │ PairDefined (IntValue 0) (IntThunk (IntValue 0))
172 ┃ collect $ modelUnexpected [] m
173 ┃ fromModel m $ \a -> do
174 ┃ annotate $ show $ modelIsNF [] m
┃ │ IsWHNF ["Int","(,)"]
175 ┃ isNF <- liftIO $ noThunks [] a
176 ┃ Hedgehog.diff isNF compareInfo (modelUnexpected [] m)
┃ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
┃ │ ━━━ Failed (- lhs) (+ rhs) ━━━
┃ │ - Just ThunkInfo { thunkContext = [ "Int" , "Tuple2" ] }
┃ │ + Just [ "Int" , "(,)" ]
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheckAt (Seed 1509894862227899575 3014110894838300521) "1:a" <property>
Use "--pattern '$NF ~ /IntInt/' --hedgehog-replay '1:a Seed 1509894862227899575 3014110894838300521'" to reproduce from the command-line.
Use -p '/Model.IntInt/' to rerun this test only.
IntListInt: FAIL (0.07s)
✗ <interactive> failed at test/Test/NoThunks/Class.hs:176:7
after 1 test.
shrink path: 1:
┏━━ test/Test/NoThunks/Class.hs ━━━
163 ┃ testWithModel :: forall a. FromModel a
164 ┃ => (Maybe ThunkInfo -> Maybe [String] -> Bool)
165 ┃ -> Proxy a
166 ┃ -- ^ Compare @ThunkInfo@. When we use 'noThunks' this
167 ┃ -- can just be @(==)@; however, when we use 'isNormalForm', the
168 ┃ -- context we will get from the model will be too detailed.
169 ┃ -> Property
170 ┃ testWithModel compareInfo _proxy = withTests 1000 $ property $ do
171 ┃ m :: Model a <- forAll genModel
┃ │ PairDefined (IntThunk (IntValue 0)) ListNil
172 ┃ collect $ modelUnexpected [] m
173 ┃ fromModel m $ \a -> do
174 ┃ annotate $ show $ modelIsNF [] m
┃ │ IsWHNF ["Int","(,)"]
175 ┃ isNF <- liftIO $ noThunks [] a
176 ┃ Hedgehog.diff isNF compareInfo (modelUnexpected [] m)
┃ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
┃ │ ━━━ Failed (- lhs) (+ rhs) ━━━
┃ │ - Just ThunkInfo { thunkContext = [ "Int" , "Tuple2" ] }
┃ │ + Just [ "Int" , "(,)" ]
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheckAt (Seed 18426870851181589552 15121270568925645443) "1:" <property>
Use "--pattern '$NF ~ /IntListInt/' --hedgehog-replay '1: Seed 18426870851181589552 15121270568925645443'" to reproduce from the command-line.
Use -p '/Model.IntListInt/' to rerun this test only.
Maybe it is just a case of an updated printer:
- Just ThunkInfo { thunkContext = [ "Int" , "Tuple2" ] }
+ Just [ "Int" , "(,)" ]