Specifications of network protocols and implementations of components running these protocols which support a family of Ouroboros Consesus protocols; the diffusion layer of the Cardano Node.
- andreabedini@tweag
- angerman@input-output-hk
- berlive
- brunjlarInput Output Hong Kong
- ch1boSomewhere in the Alps, Austria
- CharlesHoskinson@input-output-hk Input Output Hong Kong Ltd.
- commandodevMission Ctrl
- coot@input-output-hk
- dcouttsWell-Typed
- disassembler
- DominikGuzeiDominik Guzei
- duog@hadeaninc
- erikdAustralia
- eyeinskyEstonia
- EzequielPostan
- fmasteArgentina
- halilmarx07Almosafer
- hamishmackNew Zealand
- HeinrichApfelmusLeipzig
- jhcloos
- jutaroSymbolian GmbH, IOG
- karknu
- kdermeAthens
- kevinhammondInput-Output HK
- ltouroUY3
- luigy@obsidiansystems
- mgmeier@input-output-hk @IntersectMBO
- NadiaYvetteNew York City
- rhyslbwInput Output Global
- SebastienGllmtdcSpark
- serafimdasaudadePortugal
- soleggaUniversity of Edinburgh and IOHK
- StavrosChryselis
- vagoumLondon, UK
- yogeshsajanikarPune, India