
A base repository that wraps some of Eloquent's main features so you can share them among your own repositories

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Base Repository


A wrapper around eloquent's main features so you can share them among your own repositories


In order to install this package, all you have to do is execute the following line in your console composer require inquiloper/laravel-baserepository

Then in your repositories

    use Inquiloper\BaseRepository;
    use App\User;
    class UsersRepository extends from BaseRepository implements UsersRepositoryInterface {

        public function __construct(User $user){

That's it, you're ready to rock now!


Let's suppose you have this function in your controller where you type-hint your repo

public function users(UsersRepositoryInterface $usersRepo){}

Now, the methods you have available are:

Find all elements of the model


Find one element by $field

$usersRepo->findOneBy(Array $fields)

Find All elements by $fields

$usersRepo->findAllBy(Array $fields)

Create and save to the DB

$usersRepo->create(Array $data)

Update with $data by $fields

$usersRepo->updateBy(Array $fields, Array $data) public function with($relationships);

Update with $data by $fields

$usersRepo->updateBy(Array $fields, Array $data)

Delete by $fields

$usersRepo->deleteBy(Array $fields)

Eager-load relationships

$usersRepo->with(['posts', 'comments'])->findOneBy(['id' => 1])

Dynamic methods

You can call the findOneBy method with a dynamic name like so:

$usersRepo->findOneByName('John Doe')

This will translate to select * from users where name = 'John Doe' limit 1

The dynamic calling will automatically snake_case anything after findOneBy , so Name converts to name, UserEmail to user_email and so on. You can turn this off and the method will add the where clause with the literal name

$usersRepo->findOneByWpEmail('email@example.com' , false)

This will translate to select * from users where WpEmail = 'email@example.com' limit 1