
Describe how we interpret the spec where ambiguous

michielbdejong opened this issue · 8 comments

Ahead of resolving all known spec ambiguities, which is starting to roll away further and further each time I try to put my foot on it, I'll just list here which specific choices this implementation makes, and then that can also serve as input to the spec discussion.

issue NSS inrupt-pod-server spec
webid-oidc client_id should be origin of redirect_uri no yes solid/webid-oidc-spec#16
WAC-Allow headers yes (planned) solid/solid-spec#178
Websockets-pubsubs access tickets no yes solid/solid-spec#179
Refusing to delete non-empty containers yes (planned) solid/solid-spec#177
trustedApp system yes yes solid/web-access-control-spec#56
recursiveness of websockets-pubsub subscriptions no (planned) solid/solid-spec#180
create/delete requires container write yes (planned) solid/web-access-control-spec#48

Considering solid/solid-spec#187 (comment), we should discuss that.

Splitting this up, there IS still 1 spec PR left that I hope will finish bringing the spec in line with NSS, hopefully within the next 7 days (and then I think it would be a good time to bump the version tag from 0.7 to 0.8):

issue NSS IPS spec
create/delete requires container write yes (planned) solid/web-access-control-spec#48
409 on non-matching sparql-update yes (planned) solid/solid-spec#193

And then there are 4 points where IPS intentionally diverges from NSS, so those should still be considered proposed spec changes, at least until the NSS team decides to implement them as well:

issue NSS IPS spec
use PoP token issuer instead of Origin header no yes solid/webid-oidc-spec#12 (comment)
Websockets-pubsubs access tickets no yes solid/solid-spec#179
recursiveness of websockets-pubsub subscriptions no (planned) solid/solid-spec#180
ACL docs show up as container members no yes solid/solid-spec#187 (comment)

updated list of proposed spec changes:

Hopefully we can merge the one about sparql-update today.
the create/delete permissions discussion was moved to a proposed spec change, with solid/web-access-control-spec#60 for documenting the current situation more precisely. Apart from those two, i'm not currently aware of any ambiguities.

we didn't get everything merged, but we got close enough to now stop working on this, and just stick to what we could call the “roughly 0.8" version of the Solid spec.

Another thing the current spec doesn't explicitly say, but that Solid app devs could be forgiven for assuming is that 'if you do a PUT and then a GET, you get what you put' , but note this may change in the December version of the spec to allow for master-slave and master-master replication inside a pod server.