
How to contact you

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I'm sure this isn't the right forum to contact you guys, but I couldn't find any other way. I've been playing around with jackit, and have a few questions. If I want to contact you guys and get on board, what is the best way to do that? I'm new to github in general so forgive me :)

I was able to grab some of the devices that Bastille lists as vulnerable on their website. Currently, I have:

  • Lenovo 500
  • Microsoft Wireless Mouse 4000
  • Amazon Wireless Mouse mg-975
  • Logitech G900


We've written attacks for MS and Logitech devices. Amazon and Lenovo are probably exploitable, but we don't have code written for them. I've been meaning to add other devices, but it's hard to find time.

I'm not sure what you mean by "get on board". You can send us a pull request if you have code you'd like to commit. I'm on twitter: