
FR: English reports

Barkole opened this issue · 2 comments

The reports are in Spanish:

   "recomendation": "Existem soluções de ‘Secrets Management’ que podem ser utilizados para armazenar segredos.",
   "longMessage": "Credenciais não devem ser armazenadas no código, um atacante poderia descompilar a aplicação e obter a credencial.",

it would be very nice, if I could enable reports in English

Hi @Barkole,
We are working on a new version which includes a 100% English report! Soon it will be available here!

Hi @Barkole,
We just launched version 2.0 of the Insider CLI, in this new version we have a report 100% in English!
I would like you to try this new version and later give us more feedback like this! ;)
