
0 vulnerabilities found in Android library project

malenalbc opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
I've run version 2.0.5 of Insider from the precompiled binaries on my MacOS Mojave 10.14.6. The project should have at least one known vulnerability I was trying the tool with, but the report returned 0.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Was in folder /Users/me/Downloads/insider_2.0.5_darwin_x86_64/
  2. Run ./insider -force --tech android --target /Users/me/Documents/company/androidlibrary
  3. The logs were successful:
 Starting analysis for Android target /Users/me/Documents/company/androidlibrary
 Starting Android source code analysis
 Starting Android Manifest analysis
 Loading manifest permission
 Finished Android Manifest analysis
 Starting Android Source Code Analysis
 Removing: [] from file list from android tech
 Removing: [] from file list from android tech
 Found 927 files to analyze.
 loading core rules
 Rules 8
 loading android rules
 Rules 8
 Starting extracting hardcoded information
 Finished hardcoded information extraction
 Starting main source code analysis
 Finished main source code analysis
 Scanned 166616 lines
 Finished Android source Code analysis
 Report Done
 Json Report /Users/me/Downloads/insider_2.0.5_darwin_x86_64/report.json
 Json Report 63.1 kB bytes written successfully
 Html Report /Users/me/Downloads/insider_2.0.5_darwin_x86_64/report.html
 Html Report 134.7 kB bytes written successfully
 Found 0 warnings
 Score Security 100/100
 Vulnerability	Number
 High		  0 
 Medium		  0 
 Low		  0 
 Total		  0 
 You are using the Insider open source version. If you like the product and want more features,
 visit and get to know our enterprise version.
 If you are a developer, then you can contribute to the improvement of the software while using an open source version
 Finished analysis for Android app #/Users/me/Documents/company/androidlibrary

Expected behavior
I have an insecure use of java.util.Random on a Kotlin object and it wasn't found.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context
I don't know if this is relevant but: The report came back with a list of files, but not all the project .kt and .java files were listed. The one that has the known vulnerability was not listed, for example.

Hello @malenalbc, thank you very much for reporting, we are currently working on improvements for the ruleset and the way insider analyzes, meanwhile, we have the enterprise version with 2 free analysis if want to check it out:

Hello @omatron Thanks for your answer. Just tried the enterprise version and it didn't report the vulnerability either. Will check the tool back on next updates. Closing this.

@malenalbc Thank you for trying the enterprise, it's very strange because we have the rules for the java.util.Random, we will investigate further.

The expected result is:
The application uses a predictable, therefore insecure, random number generator.

Instances of java.util.Random are not cryptographically secure. Consider instead using SecureRandom to get a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator for use by security-sensitive applications.

Thanks again for taking the time to evaluate!

@omatron Might be because I was using the kotlin wrapper so the import was actually kotlin.random.Random. I'd add that one as a Kotlin rule as it's the same vulnerability.