
Typo continous -> continuous?

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Not sure if this is the right place to raise this but:


Should be "continuous"?

please think where to place a fix - scda or scda.2021 or

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it would require fixing tests as well

@anajens can you please check what label we have in the official datasets reference documents? It looks like it was there since the very begging or rcd

This is not a standard variable so there is no reference for it in the standard DAPM3 document. I searched and couldn't find any variables with similar names either.

To fix this, it should be done in metadata and also to update cached datatsets there for the Oct 2021 release. Then during the next release cycle, these updated files can be added to scda.2021. Unless of course we decide that it's ok to have cached datasets added to the archive without a matching release tag in rcd.

As this is only a typo (in a non-standard variable label) which people hadn't noticed until now - I wonder if we should not try to push this through in the release (and live with the latest example datasets being unchanged). And then fix it (or not) for future ones? I wonder how much is dummy data really used by users?

As this is only a typo (in a non-standard variable label) which people hadn't noticed until now - I wonder if we should not try to push this through in the release (and live with the latest example datasets being unchanged). And then fix it (or not) for future ones? I wonder how much is dummy data really used by users?

I agree. That's a too risky task from the release point of view. Moving this into the main backlog

I opened a PR with fixed metadata and cadsl in insightsengineering/

I would appreciate a bit of guidance @imazubi here. Shall I try adding a new version of datasets to scda 2021 or scda? Is there a readme on how to do it?

Pinging @anajens for help as well.

I commented directly in the PR.

I had a look at the code and I tried to understand the process.

The script @anajens linked to copy the rcd field to scda describes copying files from a tagged rcd's release commit. Am I right to assume that I shouldn't do any copying right now and wait for the new release of rcd to copy the files? @anajens

Hi @kpagacz , you can update scda.2021 with the 2021_10_13 tagged release. I would wait to add other changes such as those you have just done here until the following release cycle.
