
Don't keep code as a string

pawelru opened this issue · 6 comments

Please change the below so that we don't keep executed code as a string:

format_code_block_function <- paste0(
"code_block <- function (code_text) {",
" df <- data.frame(code_text)",
" ft <- flextable::flextable(df)",
" ft <- flextable::delete_part(ft, part = 'header')",
" ft <- flextable::autofit(ft, add_h = 0)",
" ft <- flextable::fontsize(ft, size = 7, part = 'body')",
" ft <- flextable::bg(x = ft, bg = 'lightgrey')",
" ft <- flextable::border_outer(ft)",
" if (flextable::flextable_dim(ft)$widths > 8) {",
" ft <- flextable::width(ft, width = 8)",
" }",
" ft",
collapse = "\n"

If string is really needed then please convert code object into a string

Would you prefer a function that is never called but whose body is pasted into the Rmd? That was the case during review but I didn't like having a function that is never called.

IMHO language (or expression if it's simple enough) is better choice to store a code rather than string. String should be just representation of it (e.g. used by print method). This obviously depends on the use case - I haven't analysed that one yet.
There is a big advantage of this being we don't hide code dependency. R CMD CHECK cannot interpret that code-string and detect package dependencies.

I didn't like having a function that is never called

I don't quite understand that. If it's not used why to keep it?
Are you sure we are not calling it?, args)

As you can see, the resulting string is a function definition statement. It is pasted into the resulting Rmd document and defined during rendering of that file. It is never called in the package itself.

I don't understand what you are linking to.

I think it's called

renderRmd = function(blocks, yaml_header, global_knitr = list()) {
checkmate::assert_list(blocks, c("TextBlock", "PictureBlock", "NewpageBlock", "TableBlock", "RcodeBlock"))
if (missing(yaml_header)) {
yaml_header <- md_header(yaml::as.yaml(list(title = "Report")))
private$report_type <- get_yaml_field(yaml_header, "output")
format_code_block_function <- paste0(
"code_block <- function (code_text) {",
" df <- data.frame(code_text)",
" ft <- flextable::flextable(df)",
" ft <- flextable::delete_part(ft, part = 'header')",
" ft <- flextable::autofit(ft, add_h = 0)",
" ft <- flextable::fontsize(ft, size = 7, part = 'body')",
" ft <- flextable::bg(x = ft, bg = 'lightgrey')",
" ft <- flextable::border_outer(ft)",
" if (flextable::flextable_dim(ft)$widths > 8) {",
" ft <- flextable::width(ft, width = 8)",
" }",
" ft",
collapse = "\n"
parsed_global_knitr <- sprintf(
"\n```{r setup, include=FALSE}\nknitr::opts_chunk$set(%s)\n%s\n```\n",
if (identical(private$report_type, "powerpoint_presentation")) {
} else {
parsed_blocks <- paste(
lapply(blocks, function(b) private$block2md(b))
collapse = "\n\n"
rmd_text <- paste0(yaml_header, "\n", parsed_global_knitr, "\n", parsed_blocks, "\n")
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
input_path <- file.path(
sprintf("input_%s.Rmd", gsub("[.]", "", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%OS3")))
cat(rmd_text, file = input_path)

This method is creates a .Rmd file and returns path to it


Lines 95 to 105 in b82c2ac

input_path <- self$renderRmd(blocks, yaml_header, global_knitr)
args <- append(args, list(
input = input_path,
output_dir = private$output_dir,
output_format = "all",
quiet = TRUE
args_nams <- unique(names(args))
args <- lapply(args_nams, function(x) args[[x]])
names(args) <- args_nams, args)

Line 95: we call a method and store returned file path
Line 96-104: we add more args to the list
Line 105: we call render() on that newly created file which essentially means that we call a code inputted there.

My mistake, I missed the fact that the report is rendered when it is saved.

Would you rather have

format_code_block_function <- quote(
    code_block <- function(code_text) {
        df <- data.frame(code_text)
        ft <- flextable::flextable(df)
        ft <- flextable::delete_part(ft, part = "header")
        ft <- flextable::autofit(ft, add_h = 0)
        ft <- flextable::fontsize(ft, size = 7, part = "body")
        ft <- flextable::bg(x = ft, bg = "lightgrey")
        ft <- flextable::border_outer(ft)
        if (flextable::flextable_dim(ft)$widths > 8) {
            ft <- flextable::width(ft, width = 8)

and then

paste(deparse(format_code_block_function), collapse = "\n")


Yes. Way way better than code code as a string.